The first assignment for the module of Understanding the customer was to 'Carry out a small-scale experiment to test out the theory regarding perception'. There were 4 choices of experiments that we could do, these were:
An experiment to test out the effect of the use of particular colours on wine labelling on the perception of the quality of that wine (this could also be done with the packaging of chocolates or health and beauty product such as bubble bath)
An experiment to test out music effects on perceived quality e.g. different backing tracks to advertisements for a particular product such as beer or perfume
An analysis of the use of atmospherics in a number of competing retail stores (e.g. use of lighting, music, colour etc) to see how the retail outlet owner is trying to influence people’s perception of his store or product range (Note: this is not just another name for a shopping trip – you will need photographic evidence and store layout)
Observe 2 or more people involved in a high cost purchases (e.g. a car, holiday or computer) and identify the detailed stages in their decision making process. Compare and contrast the different shoppers and account for any differences in behaviour which might relate to their perception of the risks involved.
I decided to choose the one that involved investigating the atmospherics in competing retail stores. This option appealed to me as there is a wide range of shops in the London and High Wycombe area that all vary. I chose three stores, these were: Next, Topshop and Abercrombie. All are different in there own right, Abercrombie being the most different from the other two, this gave me the ability to give a good contrast of store atmospherics between the three.
I think store atmospherics are important because they set the mood for the store can you imagine a store that had no music or colour, I would not like to go in, dont know about you!!??