You have been my worst enemy and best friend at times blog!! Cheesy or what
I really do think that this is a useful learning tool even if I dd leave it a bit late to finish them! However these blogs really help you understand the subject further...yeah sure Ruth teaches us in lesson, but do we really listen there and then? Do we really take it in when were recovering from the worst hangover or because you was up all night doing work and taking pro we dont take it in. But with the use of blogging its helps us double check that work and look at it again and give our interpretation on the whole thing.
My favourite blog is probably the nostalgia one, this is because it just made me remember all the cool stuff I used to love but now when I look back it was just a piece of over priced plastic....but thats what makes us feel young again, the good old days when you were thin again and had not a single care in the bloody world.
Back to reality.....
The thing I liked most about the blog was that I could put my own spin on this thing, using funny pictures and viedos that interested me really drawed me in. I would like to think that the next of freshers keep on top of their blogs as it is one foe I do not wish to be facing again!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
It's clear to see that a child's place in the family has considerably shifted since the Victorian times. Once upon a time children were seen not herd, now they seem to running the family and heavily influencing decisions made by their parents such as buying a new car.
Basically this shift has changed due to peoples lifestlyes. It is now not frowned upon to raise a child as a single parent or get divorced, this spung the generation of the 'latchkey kids' where the children would have to basically look after themselves until the mother returned from work.
This is only goin to be a short blog by the way goin to cram a few more in before I sign off for a while.
Marketing to children is so heavily guarded by the Advertising Standards Authority. Adverts or the advertising agencies must not.....
Adver must not take advantage of children’s inexperience or their natural credulity and sense of loyalty
Ads for expensive toys..... Must include an indication of their price
.... The cost must not be minimised by the use of such words as “only” or “just”
Ads must avoid anything likely to encourage poor nutritional habits or an unhealthy lifestyle in children
(These laws are provided via Ruth's slideshow on marketing to children)
Oh and I nearly forgot......Enterprise Week
Right then what can I say, well for a starters I was unfortunately absent for Enterprise week and I am actually gutted I did not attend.
Basically what I found out and interpreted for everyone was that there are guest speaker that are the best at what they do. CEO's, MA students, Graduates, Makreting Managers and others. There was such a good mix of positions, so much so that it gave a really good in depth vison of the industry. They give really good advice to all students and give them knowledge that they can take into the big bad world!! And I bloody missed it!!! Great.
Rik Haslam from RAPP, Sue Elms from Millward Brown and Sue Unerman of Mediacom attended a very informative Question and Answer Session, I asked Elliott what he learned from this and he said "I really enjoyed the week and Learned so much from it, I enjoyed the Q&A time, it just gave me an Insight into what they actually do at the top!"
My favourite quote that I herd being passed around was that us young ones are 'Digital Natives' and You Oldies are 'Digital Immigrants.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Memory and Nostalgia
“Every time an advertisement or commercial appears, the objective is to have the reader or viewer learn something …. and remember what he learned “ (Britt 1955)
“ …. our ultimate aim is to teach them brand loyalty” (Rice 1997)
All this memory and nostalgia takes me back to A-level Psychology, all the different theories and experiments give very valid reasons to association with brands.
There a re basically two types of conditioning; classical and operant
One of the most well known experiments relating to classical conditioning and my personal favourite is Pavlov and his dogs!
He trained dogs by association with sound. Every time he rang a bell he would give the dogs food, by giving them food they would salivate. After doing this Pavlov would ring the bell which made the dogs salivate and they would associate the bell with food.
This can be applied to modern world very easily. A nice watch or designer clothing makes you associate wealth with that individual, or over exposure of a condition response such as Burberry in the past could make you associate it with Chavs and its cheap, when it its certainly not.
On the other hand we have Operant conditioning, this is a technique of behavior modification through positive and negative reinforcement and positive and negative punishment.
This form of operant conditioning worked very well with me when I was young, If I saw something I wanted I would behave well for my mum and dad so that I could get it. Such as a new YoYo or Pokemon cards!
A more recent form of operant conditioning would be the supermarkets, Sainsbury's for example give vouchers and money off coupons for customers on their next purchase, they get rewarded for buying products. This does not only work with supermarkets, but clothes stores are at it and restaurants also! There just seems to be one massive sale on every bloody day of the week!
Conditional responses to products is very important for the business to progress. Every time I look at Nike I people who wear them as winners or champions.These conditioned responses help build the Brand equity,this equity involves:
Brand name awareness
Brand loyalty
Perceived brand quality
Brand Associations
I'm doing this one as split blog as I think both Memory and Nostalgia are very alike and both are heavily entwined.
“learning is the acquisition of knowledge & memory is the storage of internal representations of that knowledge” (Blakemore, 1988)
From what I remember at A-level.....
We take in thousands and thousands of things a day especially brands, however if we were to store all of that it would be impossible sooooooo......we filter out what we need to remember or want to remember, we take in the information process it then store it in long term memory for future retrieval.
Short term memory only last 18 seconds and we can remember 7 characters, so we need brands or ads to shock us make us remember them.
Marketers can use memory as one of their most effective tools in the trade, if they can use smells or old songs in TV programs to relate to the customer they may win them over due to them remembering 'the good old days'. When I'm older I think Ill remember this (and many more)....
When a stimulus is capable of recreating a personal event, even after many years, there often follows a bitter-sweet sentiment known as nostalgia” (Dubois, 2000)
Sound - Bit of 80's tunes for the mum and dad
Image - The best mullets of the time
Smell - Old spice was all the rave
Taste - A cheeky cider or a pie at the local rugby game
The good old days as the 'rents' would say!
A connection between customer and product is known as sensory branding. The more senses a brand appeals to the stronger the message will be received.
“ …. our ultimate aim is to teach them brand loyalty” (Rice 1997)
All this memory and nostalgia takes me back to A-level Psychology, all the different theories and experiments give very valid reasons to association with brands.
There a re basically two types of conditioning; classical and operant
One of the most well known experiments relating to classical conditioning and my personal favourite is Pavlov and his dogs!
He trained dogs by association with sound. Every time he rang a bell he would give the dogs food, by giving them food they would salivate. After doing this Pavlov would ring the bell which made the dogs salivate and they would associate the bell with food.
This can be applied to modern world very easily. A nice watch or designer clothing makes you associate wealth with that individual, or over exposure of a condition response such as Burberry in the past could make you associate it with Chavs and its cheap, when it its certainly not.
On the other hand we have Operant conditioning, this is a technique of behavior modification through positive and negative reinforcement and positive and negative punishment.
This form of operant conditioning worked very well with me when I was young, If I saw something I wanted I would behave well for my mum and dad so that I could get it. Such as a new YoYo or Pokemon cards!
A more recent form of operant conditioning would be the supermarkets, Sainsbury's for example give vouchers and money off coupons for customers on their next purchase, they get rewarded for buying products. This does not only work with supermarkets, but clothes stores are at it and restaurants also! There just seems to be one massive sale on every bloody day of the week!
Conditional responses to products is very important for the business to progress. Every time I look at Nike I people who wear them as winners or champions.These conditioned responses help build the Brand equity,this equity involves:
Brand name awareness
Brand loyalty
Perceived brand quality
Brand Associations
I'm doing this one as split blog as I think both Memory and Nostalgia are very alike and both are heavily entwined.
“learning is the acquisition of knowledge & memory is the storage of internal representations of that knowledge” (Blakemore, 1988)
From what I remember at A-level.....
We take in thousands and thousands of things a day especially brands, however if we were to store all of that it would be impossible sooooooo......we filter out what we need to remember or want to remember, we take in the information process it then store it in long term memory for future retrieval.
Short term memory only last 18 seconds and we can remember 7 characters, so we need brands or ads to shock us make us remember them.
Marketers can use memory as one of their most effective tools in the trade, if they can use smells or old songs in TV programs to relate to the customer they may win them over due to them remembering 'the good old days'. When I'm older I think Ill remember this (and many more)....
When a stimulus is capable of recreating a personal event, even after many years, there often follows a bitter-sweet sentiment known as nostalgia” (Dubois, 2000)
Sound - Bit of 80's tunes for the mum and dad
Image - The best mullets of the time
Smell - Old spice was all the rave
Taste - A cheeky cider or a pie at the local rugby game
The good old days as the 'rents' would say!
A connection between customer and product is known as sensory branding. The more senses a brand appeals to the stronger the message will be received.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Generational Marketing

This week we looked at Generational Marketing, basically marketing is targeted at the generation of the customer i.e childhood or adulthood. Here is the best explanation/definition I could find on the web:
'Generational marketing is an approach to product development, CRM, communications and marketing that recognizes generations as archetypes. The approach also respects that the four generations experience each life phase (childhood, young adulthood, midlife and elderhood) during “seasons” of societal attitudes and values that differ from what other generations experienced at the same life phase.'
Short description of each generation
America, in 2009, is experiencing this particular constellation of generational dynamics:
Boomers, currently 49-66 years old, are just beginning to move out of midlife and into the early stages of elderhood. The broad generational personality that Boomers experience orients toward vision, values and religion (spiritual discovery).
GenXers, currently 28-48 years old, are just beginning to move out of young adulthood and into midlife. The broad generational personality that GenXers experience orients toward liberty, survival and honor.
Millennials, currently 7-27 years old, are just beginning to arrive as young adults in the American landscape. The broad generational personality that Millennials experience orients toward community, affluence and technology.
Homeland Gen, currently 0-6 years old, are just arriving as a new generation. They share the same broad traits with the elder Silent Gen, currently 67-84 years old. This generational personality orients toward pluralism, expertise and due process.
If a marketer was to target my generation it would be the image provided above.
I was also looking on Youtube and found some very generational marketing that could be applied to my era!
We also looked at the buyers life cycle, this could be used to target specific demographics within the public sector.Here is a picture of the life-cycle and Its stages:
Adolescent Transition
Early Maturity
Mid-life Transition
Middle Age
Late Life Transition
Late Maturity
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The learning objectives for this lecture was to look at and understand how a person’s values and attitudes affect their behaviour and consider how marketers can exploit this knowledge.
“If we believe our overall values drive our behaviour, then we should be concentrating on the important, underlying motives that drive consumers to make product or service choices rather than simply product attributes” (Ries & Trout 1982)
“Values are our ideas about what is desirable” (Wilkie)
This Louis Vuitton video sparks questions about your own values, whilst creating a really atmospheric advertisement.
Everyone has values but in my honest opinion my values can sometimes go out of the window, like when drunk (Im sure this applies to others) peoples inhibitions are not there they are not polite, they swear, careless attitude, make a fool of themselves do drugs, fight, cheat cause damage. Im not saying this applies to everyone but there is probably at least one there thats got your name written on it!
An example of an old value system was 'The good Wives guide'. Women who were marries were expected to make food for the husband, wash and iron their clothes, let him talk first and always let him be right. Well in the present day thats a load of tosh. Modern women are far more independent and some are single parents, another point would be that men are much less reliable on women, they cook, they look after the kids and unfortunately the woman does often have to speak first!

In the lecture we also looked at laddering technique, Laddering is basically where the purchase of products become means of achieving personal goals or end states. e.g. Want to have a fast and expensive car so people think your rich and successful.
Laddering techniques enable us to identify the links between functional product attributes & desired end states.
In Class we also looked at Kahle’s List of Values (1983, these were.....
1. Self Respect
2. Excitement
3. Being Well Respected
4. Self-fulfilment
5. Sense of accomplishment
6. Warm relationship with others
7. Security
8. Fun & enjoyment
9. Sense of belonging
We were asked to prioritise this list according to what was most important to us. This Is what my order in life is....
Fun and Enjoyment
Sense of Belonging
Warm Relationship with others
Being well respected
Sense of accomplishment
Self fulfilment
Self Respect
All of these are important to me but this is a more in depth description of what is most important.
This list will be different for everyone, and this is where marketers need to acknowledge it. They may advertise to people who want security and self respect but excitement and a warm relationship with others is the opposite of what they want.
Taking the VALS test can tell you a lot about your personality, and if company could get customers to take this and process their data it could prove very beneficial for them. The purpose of the VALS™ survey is to identify the VALS type of the person taking the survey. That's it. To find out about a person's product ownership, media preferences, hobbies, additional demographics or attributes.
I took the test and.... I'm and Innovator and and Experiencer so this ad would be perfect for me and other people like me! Wish I was back there! :(
“If we believe our overall values drive our behaviour, then we should be concentrating on the important, underlying motives that drive consumers to make product or service choices rather than simply product attributes” (Ries & Trout 1982)
“Values are our ideas about what is desirable” (Wilkie)
This Louis Vuitton video sparks questions about your own values, whilst creating a really atmospheric advertisement.
Everyone has values but in my honest opinion my values can sometimes go out of the window, like when drunk (Im sure this applies to others) peoples inhibitions are not there they are not polite, they swear, careless attitude, make a fool of themselves do drugs, fight, cheat cause damage. Im not saying this applies to everyone but there is probably at least one there thats got your name written on it!
An example of an old value system was 'The good Wives guide'. Women who were marries were expected to make food for the husband, wash and iron their clothes, let him talk first and always let him be right. Well in the present day thats a load of tosh. Modern women are far more independent and some are single parents, another point would be that men are much less reliable on women, they cook, they look after the kids and unfortunately the woman does often have to speak first!
In the lecture we also looked at laddering technique, Laddering is basically where the purchase of products become means of achieving personal goals or end states. e.g. Want to have a fast and expensive car so people think your rich and successful.
Laddering techniques enable us to identify the links between functional product attributes & desired end states.
In Class we also looked at Kahle’s List of Values (1983, these were.....
1. Self Respect
2. Excitement
3. Being Well Respected
4. Self-fulfilment
5. Sense of accomplishment
6. Warm relationship with others
7. Security
8. Fun & enjoyment
9. Sense of belonging
We were asked to prioritise this list according to what was most important to us. This Is what my order in life is....
Fun and Enjoyment
Sense of Belonging
Warm Relationship with others
Being well respected
Sense of accomplishment
Self fulfilment
Self Respect
All of these are important to me but this is a more in depth description of what is most important.
This list will be different for everyone, and this is where marketers need to acknowledge it. They may advertise to people who want security and self respect but excitement and a warm relationship with others is the opposite of what they want.
Taking the VALS test can tell you a lot about your personality, and if company could get customers to take this and process their data it could prove very beneficial for them. The purpose of the VALS™ survey is to identify the VALS type of the person taking the survey. That's it. To find out about a person's product ownership, media preferences, hobbies, additional demographics or attributes.
I took the test and.... I'm and Innovator and and Experiencer so this ad would be perfect for me and other people like me! Wish I was back there! :(
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Groups Groups and more Groups

Not to sound big headed or anything but I kind of knew that there would be different types of customers out there that have different needs form others. This lecture looked at putting these different types of customers into groups and how marketers such as myself can target them in the not too distant, fast approaching future. So basically a group is a number of people who share the same interests, norms, social surrounding and experience interdependant behaviour.
As you all can see I have posted a picture of a group they everybody loves. Yes the general nuisance of the UK today.....THE CHAV! They are a group as they do all of the listed above, deindividuation also comes into this and groups generally, people seem to loose sense of identity and social inhibitions when in a group. Football hooliganism is a prime example, these guys maybe normal when they are alone but once in a crowd they are completely different people. I know it happens to me when I'm in a group!
One prime example of groups affecting the market and businesses could be Burberry and the good old chavs.
"Quite a lot of people thought that Burberry would be worn by the person who mugged them." I thought this one was funny
Their distinctive beige check, once associated with A-listers, has now become the uniform of a rather different social group: the so-called Chav. With UK sales falling, Burberry cannot afford to become a laughing stock in their own backyard.
This was in the past but it just goes to show how much groups can affect a business and how much a wrong kind of group can nearly destroy it!
If your in a group you obviously want to belong or need something. This is where we looked at Maslows hierarchy of needs. I have used this before in business A-Level and I think it makes perfect sense, but I reckon if you dont have some of the levels in the pyramid you cannot reach Self Actualisation.
Example an of hand group - The Stanford Prison Experiment
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