“If we believe our overall values drive our behaviour, then we should be concentrating on the important, underlying motives that drive consumers to make product or service choices rather than simply product attributes” (Ries & Trout 1982)
“Values are our ideas about what is desirable” (Wilkie)
This Louis Vuitton video sparks questions about your own values, whilst creating a really atmospheric advertisement.
Everyone has values but in my honest opinion my values can sometimes go out of the window, like when drunk (Im sure this applies to others) peoples inhibitions are not there they are not polite, they swear, careless attitude, make a fool of themselves do drugs, fight, cheat cause damage. Im not saying this applies to everyone but there is probably at least one there thats got your name written on it!
An example of an old value system was 'The good Wives guide'. Women who were marries were expected to make food for the husband, wash and iron their clothes, let him talk first and always let him be right. Well in the present day thats a load of tosh. Modern women are far more independent and some are single parents, another point would be that men are much less reliable on women, they cook, they look after the kids and unfortunately the woman does often have to speak first!
In the lecture we also looked at laddering technique, Laddering is basically where the purchase of products become means of achieving personal goals or end states. e.g. Want to have a fast and expensive car so people think your rich and successful.
Laddering techniques enable us to identify the links between functional product attributes & desired end states.
In Class we also looked at Kahle’s List of Values (1983, these were.....
1. Self Respect
2. Excitement
3. Being Well Respected
4. Self-fulfilment
5. Sense of accomplishment
6. Warm relationship with others
7. Security
8. Fun & enjoyment
9. Sense of belonging
We were asked to prioritise this list according to what was most important to us. This Is what my order in life is....
Fun and Enjoyment
Sense of Belonging
Warm Relationship with others
Being well respected
Sense of accomplishment
Self fulfilment
Self Respect
All of these are important to me but this is a more in depth description of what is most important.
This list will be different for everyone, and this is where marketers need to acknowledge it. They may advertise to people who want security and self respect but excitement and a warm relationship with others is the opposite of what they want.
Taking the VALS test can tell you a lot about your personality, and if company could get customers to take this and process their data it could prove very beneficial for them. The purpose of the VALS™ survey is to identify the VALS type of the person taking the survey. That's it. To find out about a person's product ownership, media preferences, hobbies, additional demographics or attributes.
I took the test and.... I'm and Innovator and and Experiencer so this ad would be perfect for me and other people like me! Wish I was back there! :(
just not enough depth