This week we looked at Generational Marketing, basically marketing is targeted at the generation of the customer i.e childhood or adulthood. Here is the best explanation/definition I could find on the web:
'Generational marketing is an approach to product development, CRM, communications and marketing that recognizes generations as archetypes. The approach also respects that the four generations experience each life phase (childhood, young adulthood, midlife and elderhood) during “seasons” of societal attitudes and values that differ from what other generations experienced at the same life phase.'
Short description of each generation
America, in 2009, is experiencing this particular constellation of generational dynamics:
Boomers, currently 49-66 years old, are just beginning to move out of midlife and into the early stages of elderhood. The broad generational personality that Boomers experience orients toward vision, values and religion (spiritual discovery).
GenXers, currently 28-48 years old, are just beginning to move out of young adulthood and into midlife. The broad generational personality that GenXers experience orients toward liberty, survival and honor.
Millennials, currently 7-27 years old, are just beginning to arrive as young adults in the American landscape. The broad generational personality that Millennials experience orients toward community, affluence and technology.
Homeland Gen, currently 0-6 years old, are just arriving as a new generation. They share the same broad traits with the elder Silent Gen, currently 67-84 years old. This generational personality orients toward pluralism, expertise and due process.
If a marketer was to target my generation it would be the image provided above.
I was also looking on Youtube and found some very generational marketing that could be applied to my era!
We also looked at the buyers life cycle, this could be used to target specific demographics within the public sector.Here is a picture of the life-cycle and Its stages:
Adolescent Transition
Early Maturity
Mid-life Transition
Middle Age
Late Life Transition
Late Maturity
What you do , you do well but you need to go into more depth of dicussion